

  • Ordering with us is always safe. Your privacy and the security of your data is our top priority. To keep ordering safe, we use SSL-technology (Secure Socket Layer). Furthermore, both us and the bank/PayPal will validate and approve each customer to maintain security.

    For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy

  • You can find our terms and conditions here.

  • You can find a full list of our authorised retailers on the Store Locator page on our website. Select a country to see the retailers outlined per country.

  • If you are unsatisfied with your order or our services, please get in touch with our customer support. We will get back to you with  an appropriate solution as soon as possible.

  • VAT
    Customers do not have to pay extra VAT or other taxes when shopping from the UK. Regular taxes are automatically applied during check out.

    Standard delivery to the UK usually takes 2-4 business days. Delays may occur due to customs irregularities. The clearance of your order may take longer during busy periods such as Christmas, Black Friday and other sale periods. Unfortunately, we have no control over custom clearances, so please make sure you place your order on time.

    Import duties
    Orders from the UK will be shipped with FedEx Crossborder, which will make all shipments DDP. DDP = Delivery Duty Paid, which means that we pay all transport, export, and import costs. You will not be charged any additional fees for your order at